Feb 9, 2009


Ever been tired?

Ever been so tired that just about everything pissed you off? The wind, your shoes, other drivers, the tone of someone's voice, the pen that never works.

Ever been so tired that your head aches, you feel like throwing up, your chest is tight and you start to doze off just thinking about you bed?

Well thats how i feel right now.

See i'm not one of those people who can get a few hours and function at my best. In order to be all that i can be i need my 8 hours and it needs to be a quality 8 hours. And naps? Forget naps, they don't work for me. They just make me even more tired and less able to function.

It began Friday evening. I put the kids to bed and followed them a couple of hours. I'd hoped to avoid being tired when they woke up, usually around 7 (regardless of what time they go to bed).
Friday evening however life had other plans. Emily was awake on and off for most of the night with a fever. I gave her medicine but she eventually ended up in bed with me tossing and turning all night. And of course at 7 Ben was wide awake and raring to go.

Saturday evening i got the kids in bed and at 9:30 decided to go there myself. It didn't work, i just couldn't fall asleep my mind started whirring out of control every time i closed my eyes. And as much as i tried every method of relaxation i could think of, i still saw 3am come and go. And the kids were up at 7.

Last night i made the awful mistake of having a dinner of pasta in a rich tomato sauce. To a person who has an acid reflux issue (which i'm still in denial about) tomato sauce is perhaps one of the worst things i could have eaten. And it hit me. And it hit me hard. For sometime during the night i was in the bathroom spitting up foul tasting stomach acid which decided to rear it's ugly head every time i attempted to lay down or sleep sitting up. And the alarm announce the beginning of a new work week at 7.

So today i'm tired. Tonight i shall get in early and hopefully get caught up. I hope. Goodnight.

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