Oct 16, 2010

And that was Saturday

This post was intended for Facebook but apparently it's too long so...

Highlights of my day in no particular order.

1. Watching my daughter play softball.

2. Washing the car with my son.

3. Watching Haley make Rice Crispie treats with the kids.

4. Watching the Rangers beat that other team with my son.

5. Dancing with my daughter in the kitchen after dinner.

6. Reading (very theatrically) the story of Daniel and the Lions, with

the kids at bed time.

7. Emily's random statements.

8. Ben's laughter.

9. Haley's smile.

10. Realizing that my life is very good and I have a lot to live for. :)

Apr 12, 2010


I was walking back to my office after lunch and encountered a group of guys talking in the hallway. It's a long, open hallway and it was pretty obvious that I was approaching. One guy in particular was blocking my path and as I approached he looked up, glance at me and didn't move an inch.

Now you know those moments when you encounter behavior so clearly rude that you don't know what to say so you just go with it? This was one of those. I awkwardly squeezed past him and went on my way.

About 20 minutes later I happened to encounter Mr. Rude in the restroom. While standing next to him at the urinal, my first thought was to pee on his leg and rudely walk away without saying a word. But I didn't. I finished up slightly ahead of him, got to the sinks and saw a golden opportunity for payback. If I could remain ahead of him at the hand towels and get to the door just slighlty before he did, I could let the door swing back right in his face. Awesome.

The plan was unfolding nicely and as I gleefully approached the door with Mr. Rude a step behind, ready to teach him a big old lesson, Gill entered my head. I remembered telling my mum what I wanted to do to all those people who were telling lies about me during the pain that was 2008, And how I would make them pay. I remebered my mum saying to me, "Jonathan, we're better than that."

Now my dear mother was not stating that we as a family are better than anyone. No. I'm quite sure she was reminding me of a principle I first learned a long time ago as a child in Sunday School...

In the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says:

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
- Matthew 5:38-42, NIV

Now for a long time this always struck me as the Idiot's Guide to Being a Doormat.

It's not.

Quite the opposite, this is true strength. A strength which says, I am so confident in who I am, who made me and where I'm going, that your words, your lies, your opinions cannot even come close to hurting or derailing me. Your blows are more like a tickle, come on give me another, it doesn't even hurt. Take my coat because "stuff" is not where I find my value, do you want my pants too? Sue me, slander me, do what you will. In other words...Bring It.

And that ladies and gentlemen is just one more lesson it's taken me a lifetime to learn.

By the way Mr. Rude lives to fight another day. I held the door open for him.

Apr 7, 2010

God Bless Texas

First of all let me apologize to my giant fan base for not having blessed you with my drivel for about 3 months now. Life has definitely been going through a transition, a good one that is.

I was driving down the highway to work this morning, looking at the sun coming up across the vast, flat expanse of Texas country, when it dawned on me that this place isn't all that bad.

So after close to 5 years of living here, I'm proud to list my...

Top 10 things I love about Texas (hold your applause until the end please)

10. I can go without a jacket for about 8 months of the year

9. People don't think you're weird for going to church

8. The sun shines A LOT

7. Basic manners are taught to and expected of children

6. No state tax

5. Most neighborhoods have a fantastic sense of community

4. People drive like New Yorkers

3. People possess a tremendous amount of state pride

2. The cost of living and housing is a lot less than other areas of the country

1. It's fun to see cowboys walking around the mall

Jan 4, 2010

I love my kids

My kids just left. The house is eerily quiet but my son left me something amazing.

Let me preface this by saying that Ben isn't really prone to much in the way of displays of emotion. He's the kind of kid that hugs you by kind of leaning against you most of the time but doesn't often fully commit to the squeeze. In fact I would say that of my two children Ben is the one who I engage in the most "robust dialogue"with by a mile, mainly because he's a lot like me.

He left me a letter on the kitchen counter. It reads...

Jan. 4th 2009

Dear Daddy,
I am so happy I want to jump off the talest skyscraper in the world. (litterley)
I'm feeling very, really, hiper. So can you build a "hiper house".
THANKS!!! FOR!!!Building my house!!! Love ya!


I'm wrecked. I'm destroyed. What a kid.