Feb 28, 2009
They don't rock
Feb 27, 2009
Caught in the middle
So i've been having some issues for the last few days, going to the bathroom a lot, some weird discomfort down in the happy places...stuff like that.
This morning I finally went to the doctor and after trying to fit the contents of my bladder into a thimble and the the indescribable joy of a Prostate exam, the doctor informed me that I have a Prostate infection.
Puzzled I asked the doctor what would cause such a condition. The doctor asked about the nature of what I do and I informed him that I spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer. To which the good doctor responded...
"Prostate infections are quite common in middle aged men who spend a lot of time sitting"
I almost fell off my chair. Not because my rear end was still throbbing from it's latex clad digit violation. But rather beacause he lumped me in with people who are middle aged!!!!!I'm 35 for goodness sake!!!
No either I am seriously kidding myself or Dr. Digit was a bit liberal with the age range associated with middle age.
Feb 25, 2009
Turning the clock back
Wednesday Ramblings
Feb 22, 2009
And then it was quiet
Feb 21, 2009
More AAR
Music to live by
Feb 20, 2009
Getting a little tired of putting on a brave face, just walking it through, being the better person and a thousand other ways i've been advised to cope. Here's a little more of my reality...
A symphony of ignorance plays sweetly in my head
A recipe of agony topped off with words unsaid
I wear a suit of absolutes an undershirt of fear
Sleep in a house of solitude on beds so insincere
Perhaps this road gets easier
Perhaps it has no end
Maybe a plan much larger waits
Maybe I’ll just pretend
To wear a mask of happiness
Over my shirt of fear
And laugh at swirling ignorance
With road’s end drawing near
My golden blue-eyed dreamers lay still in distant lands
While I in lonely torment lay, their tears upon my hands
Their words so sweet and innocent cut through my broken heart
Which bleeds upon my hopes and dreams returning me to start
Perhaps this road gets easier
Perhaps it has no end
Maybe a plan much larger waits
Maybe I’ll just pretend
To wear a mask of happiness
Over my shirt of fear
And laugh at swirling ignorance
With road’s end drawing near
The start paved with blank pages a story not yet told
While dreams cascaded all around I looked for one to hold
A maker who has formed me and carries me today
Who sweeps up broken pieces and fixes disarray
Perhaps this road gets easier
Perhaps it never will
And yet my steps remain
With each new looming hill
I’ll fight a war for happiness
Embrace a badge of fear
Own every broken piece of me
Shattered, alone but here
Feb 19, 2009
Feb 13, 2009
Yeah, but you still can't sing...
Run Down
Boys and their Toys
Feb 9, 2009
Feb 6, 2009
A little slice of heaven
Feb 4, 2009
Obey this!
It seems that one of my favorite artists, Shepard Fairey, the genius behind the Obey brand is under fire because he was inspired by an Associated Press photograph of Barrack Obama in the production of his wildly popular hope painting.
Feb 3, 2009
Pay your taxes
I don't understand people who make considerably more money than i do, people who's IRS contribution wouldn't impact the quality of their lifestyle one bit. Basically it's greed.
The same greed and arrogance which makes the hierarchies of industry think it's OK to award themselves billions of dollars in bonuses in a time when Joe Public isn't sure if he can provide for his families basic needs. There's no question that greed may be the #1 reason why we are where we are today. Pathetic.