Feb 20, 2009


Getting a little tired of putting on a brave face, just walking it through, being the better person and a thousand other ways i've been advised to cope. Here's a little more of my reality...

A symphony of ignorance plays sweetly in my head

A recipe of agony topped off with words unsaid

I wear a suit of absolutes an undershirt of fear

Sleep in a house of solitude on beds so insincere


Perhaps this road gets easier

Perhaps it has no end

Maybe a plan much larger waits

Maybe I’ll just pretend

To wear a mask of happiness

Over my shirt of fear

And laugh at swirling ignorance

With road’s end drawing near


My golden blue-eyed dreamers lay still in distant lands

While I in lonely torment lay, their tears upon my hands

Their words so sweet and innocent cut through my broken heart

Which bleeds upon my hopes and dreams returning me to start


Perhaps this road gets easier

Perhaps it has no end

Maybe a plan much larger waits

Maybe I’ll just pretend

To wear a mask of happiness

Over my shirt of fear

And laugh at swirling ignorance

With road’s end drawing near


The start paved with blank pages a story not yet told

While dreams cascaded all around I looked for one to hold

A maker who has formed me and carries me today

Who sweeps up broken pieces and fixes disarray


Perhaps this road gets easier

Perhaps it never will

And yet my steps remain

With each new looming hill

I’ll fight a war for happiness

Embrace a badge of fear

Own every broken piece of me

Shattered, alone but here

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