Jan 14, 2009

The D Word

I've gone back and forth with mixed feeling as to whether or not I should address this topic.
The conclusion I've come to is that this is MY blog, this is MY life and if I'm not true to myself and real about my life then it's all pointless.

The fact is that after 9 years of marriage I'm right slap bang in the middle of a divorce.

I'm right slap in the middle of what many of the people who know me have described as a "messy" divorce. But really is there such a thing as a non -"messy" divorce? How can you take a family unit, begin to carve it up and reduce it to a stack of legal documents and a list of "stuff" that each party feels is worth fighting over? Did i really think when i walked down the aisle 9 years ago that one day our whole relationship would be reduced to pots, pans, TVs, furniture and various other crap? Not at all.

Divorce is nothing but "messy"...and expensive and the most drawn out pain you'll ever experience. It hurts when you go to bed at night and it still hurts when you get up the next morning and attempt to live a normal life and take care of your responsibilities in the middle of the mess.

People get really weird too. I've found that those you once considered to be friends can be put in one of three categories:

1. Those who were "friends" and just disappeared when it all started to unravel.

2. Those who remain in your life but are clearly uncomfortable when the topic comes up.
Here's a tip...don't ask me how I am if you don't REALLY want to know!

3. Those who are true friends, who want to be there for you, who ask you the challenging questions, who have and always will go beyond themselves for you.

Unfortunately category #3 is the least populated but I thank God for each one of those people.

Divorce in any situation is "messy" but divorce it where I find myself.
That's my life. If that makes you uncomfortable, read another blog.

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