Jan 19, 2009

Yes We Can

I came to live in the United States permanently in 1995 at the age of 21. I became a citizen of the United States in 2000. I honestly believe that there is no other country in the world quite like it and the opportunities this nation has extended to me are ones which i could never have realized any place else.

And i'm not alone. Throughout the years millions of men and women with hearts full of dreams have flooded this nation in pursuit of a promise, a hope that this is the one place where all of those hopes and dreams and aspirations could come true.

Today marks the unofficial birthday of another man who had a dream. In 1963 amidst one of the darkest chapters in our history Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech calling for an end to the senseless segregation brought about by the ignorance of racism.

Tomorrow the dream of Dr. King and the dreams of the those millions of immigrants see the dawn of a new hope.

It goes without saying that Barrack Obama faces huge obstacles and perhaps an impossible task. But whatever your opinion is about the man who's legacy remains to be written, the fact is he has inspired a nation in the throes of yet another dark chapter, to dream. And while dreams don't fix economies or end wars, it was the dreams of a few men that established this nation in the first place.

Sometimes when all else fails we need to get back to how it all began.

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