Jan 13, 2009

Shades of Gray

As my mother would say,"Hell is listening to your children complain about gray hair". Well sorry mom but i have to.

Throughout the course of my life i've been accused of being a "Typical Blackmore Male" and spending an excessive amount of time in front of the mirror. Whether that be the case or not I guess I do spend quite a bit of time there.

Thing is that while it was once to make sure I looked good for a parade of high school sweethearts or to decide which one of the 5 shirt contenders looked best before I left the house, today it may be for very different reasons.

It's strange to begin to see the signs of age on your face and even more unsettling to see more and more of your hair turning white as the months go by.

According to the fountain of all knowledge that is wikipedia.org my hair is turning white because the stem cells at the root of my hair, called melanocytes are dying and no longer producing melanin. Bummer.

Whatever the case may be i don't like it. But as British humorist P.G. Wodehouse put it,
"There is only one cure for gray hair. It was invented by a Frenchman. It is called the guillotine." Good old French.

So I guess I'm stuck with it. Seems to work out Ok for the guy in the photo. Right?

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